About Us

The MPTA speaks out for transit systems and transit riders across the State of Minnesota. MPTA advocates for high-quality transit service that is accessible and available to everyone. Our mission is to support transportation services that improve the quality of life for people in communities large and small, urban, suburban and rural.

MPTA is the only statewide coalition of transit systems, and transit advocates that provides the latest information on transit activities, provides in-depth research on key issues, hosts training sessions and events - including the Annual Minnesota Public Transit Conference - and advocates for transit with elected officials at both the state and federal levels.

MPTA was established in 1975 and has worked successfully to increase transit funding in order to expand and improve transit service.

MPTA's mission is to advocate for public transit systems in providing mobility for all Minnesotans through training, research and communication.

Contact us

Margaret Donahoe - Advocacy Director
Minnesota Public Transit Association
Email Margaret

Sherry Munyon - MPTA Lobbyist
Capitol Access
Email Sherry

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MPTA Bylaws152.97 KB