MPTA 2023 Transit Funding Meeting

St. Cloud Public Library – Mississippi River Room 1300 West St. Germain, St. Cloud

Join your fellow transit system managers for an important two-hour meeting hosted by MPTA regarding the 2023 legislative session outcomes and the future of transit funding in Minnesota.

11:00 AM              MPTA Welcome and Overview – Ryan Daniel, MPTA President

11:15 AM              Lunch

11:45 AM              Transit Funding Status Update – Margaret Donahoe, MPTA

                                  The latest information on state and federal funding levels for the coming years.


12:15 PM           2023 Session Results and Future Funding Opportunities – Sherry Munyon, MPTA

                                New funding provided by the legislature

                                Capital facility needs

                                Future distribution and needs discussion

12:45 PM           How Can MPTA Work For You? – Ryan Daniel, MPTA President

1:00 PM             Conclusion