2025 MPTA Bus Roadeo

Minnesota Discovery Center ~ Chisholm, MN

Dear Transit Professionals,

I am thrilled to invite you to the 38th Annual Minnesota Statewide Bus Roadeo, hosted by the Minnesota Public Transit Association (MPTA) on July 18-19, 2025, at the Minnesota Discovery Center in Chisholm, MN.

This year, we are heading to the heart of the Mesabi Iron Range, a place I am incredibly proud to call home. It’s a chance not only to bring together Minnesota’s best transit professionals but also to showcase what makes Greater Minnesota’s rural transit system unique. Arrowhead Transit has spent 50 years redefining mobility across this vast region, and I can’t wait for you to experience firsthand how we navigate the challenges and opportunities of serving rural communities.

The Roadeo will feature:

  • Training sessions to enhance driving and safety skills
  • Large and small bus competitions OF COURSE!
  • Safety demonstrations and best practices for transit professionals
  • Opportunities to reconnect with colleagues and meet new faces in the industry

Beyond the competition, I encourage you to take full advantage of everything the Iron Range has to offer. The Minnesota Discovery Center is the perfect backdrop for this event, featuring Scenic Trolley Tours, mountain biking trails, and kayaking. But that’s just the beginning.

For those looking to extend their stay or make a full vacation out of it, I highly recommend visiting Discover the Range to explore additional events happening in the area during the Roadeo weekend. Whether you want to venture into the stunning Voyageurs National Park, the Superior National Forest, or the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, summer in northeastern Minnesota is second to none.

We also invite you to join us for various MPTA and Arrowhead Transit-hosted evening activities or take the opportunity to visit local event venues and truly immerse yourself in this incredible region. The Mesabi Iron Range is yours to explore, and we cannot wait to share it with you.

If your transit agency receives FTA Section 5310 or 5311 funding or is a Tribal Transit provider, you may be eligible for an RTAP scholarship to attend. Agencies receiving FTA Section 5307 funding are not eligible for scholarships. 5311-funded systems are encouraged to use operating dollars first before requesting a scholarship. More information on applying for a scholarship is available on the RTAP website.

Registration must be completed by July 2, 2025. I encourage you to sign up early and take full advantage of everything this year’s Roadeo has to offer.

I look forward to welcoming you to Chisholm for a weekend of competition, learning, and exploration.

Dominick Olivanti
Host, 38th Annual Minnesota Statewide Bus Roadeo

MDC  Landscape
2025 Bus Rodeo logo
Event Accommodations

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